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Laser Cut 5.3 Dongle.rar 2: A Complete Guide to the Control Software and Drivers for Laser Cutters


If you try to open the Lasercut program you should see the following error appear twice on screen. This error will appear whenever you try and run Lasercut 5.3 without the SOFTDOG, usb dongle included with your laser cutter. You should be able to find this in the white plastic tool box along with your laser cutters keys, spares and tools.

Laser Cut 5.3 Dongle.rar 2

Find the model identifier at the top of the opened program window. The above example shows the software for the BLACKNOSE A3 laser cutter. If your model is not a BLACKNOSE A3 you will need to run the appropriate BATCH FILE from the LASERCUT53 folder on the route of OS (C). Close Lasercut 5.3 program and located the LASERCUT53 folder.

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If you can still access the PC system current driving the laser, you can also find this file on the C drive, in the root of the laser software folder (Easycut or Lasercut). The file name is "syscfg.ini"

If the laser software brings up an error message "Plug in softdog and restart the software", please check that your software dongle is plugged in to a working PC USB port. If the software dongle is plugged in and the laser software still brings up the error message, complete the following: 2ff7e9595c

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